The North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD) and Texas A&M AgriLife Texas Water Resources Institute are collaborating with local stakeholders, business owners and residents to help protect and improve water quality in Bois d’Arc Lake through the development of a watershed protection plan (WPP). Watershed protection plans are a voluntary, non-regulatory approach for addressing water quality issues, and have been developed in a number of watersheds throughout the state.
The public is invited and encouraged to attend the meeting on Wednesday, August 11 from 9-11 a.m. at the Derrell Hall Education Center, 2505 N. Center Street in Bonham. This meeting will be the second in a series of meetings geared toward gathering public input to facilitate development of the WPP. Attendance at the previous meeting is not required to participate or give public input at future ones.
Attendees can find more information on the WPP at Anyone can join the Bois d’Arc Lake Watershed Partnership, participate in all the future meetings and provide input on the Bois d’Arc Lake WPP.
Through the planning process, local stakeholders, business owners and residents can help NTMWD to identify potential sources of water pollution and shape efforts to improve water quality. The ultimate goal of the WPP is to improve and protect water resources now and into the future.
Bois d’Arc Lake is the first major reservoir constructed in Texas in nearly 30 years. The 16,641-acre reservoir will help meet the water demands for our growing region of 1.8 million people and provide recreation and economic opportunities for years to come.