The Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center (TFFC) is all about conservation, education about aquatic ecosystems, and advocating for fishing. Tours for schools are always welcome as well as individuals and families, and it is worth the trip.
The Toyota ShareLunker Program, The Inland Fisheries Denison District - Texas Parks and Wildlife, and North Texas Municipal Water District came to the footprint of Bois d'Arc Lake on Tuesday, October 29 to help improve the fishery even before the lake is impounded.
FANNIN CO., Tex. (KXII) "So we know that these have good genetics and it's a good way to get these fish started in this lake so that the population can only expand as the lake fills," says Greg Cummings with Texas Parks and Wildlife.
Dan Bennett claims he has never been one to get excited about very much. That’s interesting, because these days the 38-year-old fisheries scientist is feeling the nervous energy of a guy about to become a father for the very first time.